
Slingshot na Área, “snapchat” do Facebook


O Slingshot é um app do Facebook à la Snapchat. As mensagens também são destruídas após lidas, porém o Slingshot obriga que para ver uma foto(ou vídeo), você tenha que enviar uma sua.

Disponível apenas, por ora, na loja US.

Slingshot lets you quickly share moments—little and big—with lots of people at once. Shoot a photo or video of what you’re up to and sling it to a bunch of friends. They won’t be able to see your shot until they sling something back. Tap on a shot to react, or simply swipe it away.

• Stay in touch: Capture photos and videos of moments you want to share with friends
• Go shot for shot: To unlock new shots, first you have to sling something back
• Enjoy it while it lasts: Once you swipe a shot away, it’ll no longer be viewable
• Send a quick reply: After unlocking a shot, respond with your reaction
• Get creative: Express yourself with captions and drawings
• Look when you want: View unlocked shots later if you’re busy (traduzir)

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Photo & Video
$ 0.00

Gustavo Faria

de um tempo em que a UFRJ formava não cientistas da computação, mas bacharéis em informática e acompanhe as Dicas do Coca.
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