No final de outubro, a Apple enviou um email sobre o 10.8.3 beta aos membros do AppleSeed, desenvolvedores selecionados para para testarem o próximo update do OS X.
Agora, a Apple enviou outro email dizendo que o convite foi cedo demais e que o beta do 10.8.3 deve vir lá pelo dia 26 de novembro. #iTunes11fellings
Segue o email:
Thanks for accepting our invitation to test OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.3. The invites were sent out a little too early! We are working hard to provide you with a seed build soon, but we wanted to let you know that you have not missed any seed announcements. Please enjoy the USA Thanksgiving holiday! The Seed Team will be enjoying a break as well. Look for more information about the 10.8.3 seed during the week of November 26th.
Thanks for your patience!
Será que o iTunes 11 sai junto?