
1password 4.4 para Mac na Área, torre de vigia


O 1Password chegou na versão 4.4 no Mac e trouxe a Torre de Vigia.

Um central que analisa os sites que tiveram falhas de segurança e te avisa para trocar a senha.


What’s New in Version 4.4
1Password 4.4 adds integration to the 1Password Watchtower service.

1Password Watchtower is a service which will help to keep you secure. When a website you are using is known to be at risk, 1Password Watchtower will flag that login as vulnerable. You can use the Watchtower check in the Security Audit section to see the list of logins which are known to be at risk.

When enabled, 1Password will download a database of vulnerable domains. The vulnerability database is refreshed automatically. Your personal information is never transmitted.

Other Improvements

◆ Improved conflict resolution during syncing
◆ Greek localization
◆ Other bug fixes and improvements (traduzir)

Gustavo Faria

de um tempo em que a UFRJ formava não cientistas da computação, mas bacharéis em informática e acompanhe as Dicas do Coca.
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