
Apple abre mais um Caffé Macs


No campus 1 há um Caffé Macs, uma espécie de lanchonete. Exclusivo para funcionários.

Nesta terça foi aberto um fora de Infinite Loop, 1.5 km, mas ainda assim exclusivo para funcionários.

O visual está bem “nave-mãe”. Aliás a nave-mãe contará com um Caffé Macs.

On the corner of Alves and Bandley, Alves Caffè Macs features a smaller version of the servery, kitchen and central espresso bar that were designed for the new campus, as well as wonderful indoor and outdoor seating.
Among Alves Caffe Macs’ most distinctive elements are the beautiful high ceilings, stone walls, glass facade and terrazzo floors — all design signatures of Apple Campus 2. Foster + Partners are the architects behind both projects. “We wanted everyone to experience the feeling of the new campus now,” says Dan Whisenhunt, who leads Apple’s Real Estate and Development team. Alves Caffè Macs will enable the food service team to test the design and layout of the kitchen and serving areas in a smaller space; the kitchen on the new campus will be eight times larger and span two levels. The team is excited to start using new, state-of-the-art equipment at Alves Caffè Macs, some of which is being imported from Europe and deployed in the U.S. for the first time. “The equipment plays a big part in the execution of the food and this equipment is phenomenal — everything from a Danish coffee machine that is operated from the customer’s iPhone to an Italian double arm dough mixer for European style breads,” says Francesco Longoni, the head of the Food Services team. “The kitchen looks like a lab.” Like Apple Campus 2, Alves Caffè Macs has an environmentally friendly focus. It features a new, energy efficient compactor that will reduce trash volume by as much as 85% and compost everything possible. Alves Caffè Macs is a short walk or bike ride from all the buildings on Infinite Loop, Valley Green, Bandley and Mariani. In fact, it’s as close to DA3 as Caffe Macs at Infinite Loop is. There’s even underground parking and a lunchtime shuttle service. You’ll want to head over and get a glimpse of the future Apple dining experience. (traduzir)

via 9to5mac

Gustavo Faria

de um tempo em que a UFRJ formava não cientistas da computação, mas bacharéis em informática e acompanhe as Dicas do Coca.
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