
Espia aí o “Segunda Tela” da Nintendo


É web app ô empresa teimosa essa Nintendo né. Aliás a empresa já fez isso no passado mas não tinha tantas funcionalidades como agora, que por exemplo, permite ver a “timeline” dos amigos.

This is the layout for a smartphone. This web service will enable more people to easily watch Nintendo’s official videos, view rankings, watch videos that their friends have shared and videos of tournaments in which they have participated.

This “Mario Kart TV” (temp.) web service is available even for players without NNIDs, but by logging into the service with an NNID, they will be able to easily find their rankings, videos that their friends have shared, videos of tournaments in which they have participated, and it will be convenient to access this service through smart devices even when they are not at home. (traduzir)

via MacRumors

Gustavo Faria

de um tempo em que a UFRJ formava não cientistas da computação, mas bacharéis em informática e acompanhe as Dicas do Coca.
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