
Google oferece Wi-Fi grátis no Brasil


Acessem Google Wi-Fi.

Serão 90 dias em 150 bares do Brasil. As cidades são:

  • São Paulo (SP)
  • Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
  • Curitiba (PR)
  • Porto Alegre (RS)
  • Florianópolis (SC)
  • Belo Horizonte (MG)
  • Campinas (SP)

O projeto faz parte de uma campanha de marketing.

Maia Mau do Marketing do Google explica:

“We know that Brazilians are using their phones and tablets each time more. Just to have an idea, the number of people with smartphones in Brazil is greater than in Germany, France and Australia, and most of them use their devices every day, to read news, watch video clips and connect with their friends. By means of this project, we’re sure that the Brazilians will be able to enjoy better their friends when they are at the pub, besides creating and registering memories of their moments.”


Gustavo Faria

de um tempo em que a UFRJ formava não cientistas da computação, mas bacharéis em informática e acompanhe as Dicas do Coca.
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