
iAd com vídeos em tela cheia ainda em 2014?!


Me sentiria vendo TV aberta…

Imagina, a cada mudança de fase de um game, um “comercial em tela cheia”.

The people described these new video ads as “interstitials,” suggesting that they’ll interrupt whatever someone is doing in app. More likely the ads will play at moments of transition, like after completing a game’s level or finishing an article.

It’s not clear how Apple plans to sell the video iAds or at what price. One person said Apple may sell the units through its ad exchange that quietly rolled out “a couple weeks ago.” Adweek had reported in December that Apple was looking to launch an ad exchange. Details of the exchange are scarce, but auctioned-off ads are typically less lucrative than ones pitched by a direct sales team. (traduzir)

via Advertising Age

Gustavo Faria

de um tempo em que a UFRJ formava não cientistas da computação, mas bacharéis em informática e acompanhe as Dicas do Coca.
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