Em vista dos fatos divulgados recentemente, a Microsoft defendeu o fato de ter lido o email, quebrando o sigilo, por que o judiciário não pode dar uma ordem de busca para que ela buscar algo nela própria.
No entendimento da Microsoft, o dado é dela.
Para posar de boazinha, a Microsoft vai mudar suas políticas envolvendo dados dos clientes:
We will not conduct a search of customer email and other services unless the circumstances would justify a court order, if one were available.
To ensure we comply with the standards applicable to obtaining a court order, we will rely in the first instance on a legal team separate from the internal investigating team to assess the evidence. We will move forward only if that team concludes there is evidence of a crime that would be sufficient to justify a court order, if one were applicable. As a new and additional step, we will then submit this evidence to an outside attorney who is a former federal judge. We will conduct such a search only if this former judge similarly concludes that there is evidence sufficient for a court order.
Even when such a search takes place, it is important that it be confined to the matter under investigation and not search for other information. We therefore will continue to ensure that the search itself is conducted in a proper manner, with supervision by counsel for this purpose.
Finally, we believe it is appropriate to ensure transparency of these types of searches, just as it is for searches that are conducted in response to governmental or court orders. We therefore will publish as part of our bi-annual transparency report the data on the number of these searches that have been conducted and the number of customer accounts that have been affected. (traduzir)
Peraí… Se um ordem judicial for cabível? Não mudou nada então?
Alô Marco Civil!
Atualização 30/03/2014
A Microsoft disse que não mais irá ler o conteúdo dos email para proteger sua propriedade.