A liberação da versão para o iPad ocorreu antes do Satya Nadella assumir como CEO. Ok, mas eu penso que o Satya já vinha atuando como CEO bem antes da nomeação. Convenhamos, ninguém vira CEO da Microsoft do dia para noite.
A Conta de Desenvolvedor da equipe é “normal”. E eles se orgulham da Apple ter aprovado o App de 1ª. Aliás, eles citam Jobs com um homem sábio.
Em tempo, a Microsoft é dona de boa parte da Apple. Tanto que funcionários Microsoft tem desconto na Apple. E você achando que elas eram inimigas mortais…
Confira todas as perguntas realizadas.
The decision to ship Office for iPad was made before Satya became CEO. Steve Ballmer approved the plan to ship Office for iPad. (traduzir)
The code for Office for iPad and Office for Mac is shared, as the development platforms for both are very similar. 🙂 The iPad work required us to create an all-new UI and to redesign the interface between UI and the internal logic. That work actually helps us with de-Carbonizing Office for the Mac, instead of delaying or hindering it. We’re able to create new Cocoa UI on the Mac and tie it into the new logic interface now. (traduzir)
Since we were designing Office for iPad from a “blank slate” so to speak, we wanted to take the time to deliver the highest possible quality Office experience that is fully optimized for the iPad. A wise man once said, “Details matter, it’s worth waiting to get it right.” That rings true for how we thought about it. (traduzir)
We have a very normal team Apple Developer account. And yes, Apple did approve the apps on the first try. We’re very proud of that! (traduzir)
via MacRumors