Ontem o WhatsApp ficou 4 horas fora do ar. Na noite de sexta também.
Segundo o co-fondador e CEO Jan Koum, o motivo foi uma falha no roteador. E nada tem a ver com a recente aquisição pelo Facebook.
“It has been our longest and biggest outage in years and affected all of our users,” Koum said in an email to The Verge. According to Koum, the culprit was a faulty network router, which caused a cascading failure that ended up affecting Whatsapp servers. Koum didn’t elaborate on the source of the router problems, but the explanation suggests the downtime may not have been related to the new wave of publicity from the Facebook acquisition and the accompanying load on Whatsapp infrastructure. But while the downtime was significant, Koum also indicated the service is taking new measures with its service provider to protect against future downtime and, in Koum’s words, “making sure it will not happen again.” (traduzir)
via The Verge