
Vic Gundotra está saindo do Google


Vic era VP sênior do Google e chefão do Google+. Foi ele que fez o que o Google+ é hoje. Figurinha fácil nos Google I/O, vic está deixando o Google após 8 anos. Apesar da explicação, não se sabe qual é o próximo passo.

Today I’m announcing my departure from Google after almost 8 years…I have been incredibly fortunate to work with the amazing people of Google. I don’t believe there is a more talented and passionate collection of people anywhere else. And I’m overwhelmed when I think about the leadership of +Larry Page and what he empowered me to do while at Google. From starting Google I/O, to being responsible for all mobile applications, to creating Google+, none of this would have happened without Larry’s encouragement and support. (traduzir)

Larry Page agradeceu por tudo que Vic fez.

“Vic cut his teeth on our mobile apps and developer relations, turning Google’s disparate efforts into something great … And, walking onto the stage at I/O last year, it was amazing to see developers so excited about Google. These were vintage Vic projects. Then Vic built Google+ from nothing. There are few people with the courage and ability to start something like that and I am very grateful for all his hard work and passion.” (traduzir)

via 9to5mac

Gustavo Faria

de um tempo em que a UFRJ formava não cientistas da computação, mas bacharéis em informática e acompanhe as Dicas do Coca.
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