
1Password 6.2 para Mac na Área, novo “truques”


Novidades da versão 6.2
The New Tricks Edition

You know what they say. “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but you can teach password managers new things.” We totally agree with that last part. Over the years, we’ve released many dozens of new versions, hundreds of betas, and approximately a gazillion improvements! That’s a lot of changes, and we’re not about to stop now. Without further ado, we present 1Password 6.2 for Mac: The New Tricks Edition.

== More studying, bigger brain ==

Some of the coolest tricks 1Password performs, like automatically saving Logins or filling information on websites, come from the browser extension and the brain that powers it. Every once in a while the brain would come across a website it just didn’t understand. That’s when 1Password wouldn’t fill your information accurately. In an effort to improve, the brain sat down and studied all sorts of websites, and now its guesses are more educated than ever. As an added bonus, 1Password will now try to automatically name the Logins it creates.

== First-class importing ==

Thanks to 1Password for Teams and Families, this is the sweetest time to try 1Password, especially if you’ve been using something else to safeguard your digital life. Our latest upgrades to the importer make it super simple to import your information from another application.

We’ve also improved the way 1Password for Mac and Families and Teams (oh my!) work together, the way 1Password mini behaves, and more!

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Gustavo Faria

de um tempo em que a UFRJ formava não cientistas da computação, mas bacharéis em informática e acompanhe as Dicas do Coca.
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