
Apple está transformando a Educação Americana junto com Obama


Durante o discurso State of the Union, Obama anunciou o ConnectED, programa para conectar mais de 20 milhões de estudantes com ajuda da Apple, Microsoft, Sprint e Verizon.

Detalhes do ConnectED ainda serão divulgados.

Last year, I also pledged to connect 99 percent of our students to high-speed broadband over the next four years.
Tonight, I can announce that with the support of the FCC and companies like Apple, Microsoft, Sprint, and Verizon, we’ve got a down payment to start connecting more than 15,000 schools and twenty million students over the next two years, without adding a dime to the deficit. (traduzir)

Ao Jim Dalrymple a Apple confirmou a participação.

We are proud to join President Obama in this historic initiative to transform America’s schools.
Apple has a long history in education, and we have pledged to contribute MacBooks, iPads, software and our expertise to support the ConnectED project. We look forward to announcing more details with the White House soon. (traduzir)

Gustavo Faria

de um tempo em que a UFRJ formava não cientistas da computação, mas bacharéis em informática e acompanhe as Dicas do Coca.
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