
O Touch ID começou assim…


Scott Moody, co-fundador da Authentec(responsável pelo Touch ID), apresentou um protótipo na Universidade da Carolina do Norte.

Lembre que o Touch ID hoje é um sensor CMOS de 0.8mm x 0.8mm.

[Moody] explained to the students that it’s AuthenTec’s technology behind an 8-millimeter by 8-millimeter sensor found beneath the iPhone 5s home button.

“We’re looking at pores, structures of ridges and valleys, and instantaneously tell who you are,” Moody said. “Every time you use it, it learns more about you. Because it knows, ‘This is Alex,’ every time you use it gets easier and easier.

When AuthenTec came out with their final product, the company generated interest from a number of customers, including Apple, Motorola and Fujitsu. Apple, in particular, “ate it up,” Moody said, and eventually bought the entire company in 2012 for $356 million.

“We had a great team of engineers — which I think is highlighted by the fact that Apple kept the engineering team,” he said.


Gustavo Faria

de um tempo em que a UFRJ formava não cientistas da computação, mas bacharéis em informática e acompanhe as Dicas do Coca.
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