
Omnifocus 2.2 para iOS na Área, suporte TextExpander


Novidades da versão 2.2
OmniFocus for iPhone 2.2 includes TextExpander support and various other improvements and bug fixes.

TextExpander touch Support

• OmniFocus now includes support for TextExpander touch, including an area in Settings to update snippets. TextExpander snippets are expanded in most text fields, in notes, and in search.
• More info is available at Smile Software’s website.


• “Next action” has been changed to “First available” to match the terminology used by OmniFocus 2 for Mac.
• Updated the style of Project status icons to match OmniFocus 2 for Mac.

Bug Fixes

• Fixed a bug where changing an item’s due or defer date could cause it to disappear from Forecast until you returned to the Home screen.
• Fixed a crash which occurred when using a Sync Settings URL before launching OmniFocus for the first time.
• Fixed a bug where revealing secret bar during a sync made the progress indicator appear in the wrong place. (traduzir)

$ 19.99

Gustavo Faria

de um tempo em que a UFRJ formava não cientistas da computação, mas bacharéis em informática e acompanhe as Dicas do Coca.
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