
Praga rouba Bitcoin no Mac


Descoberta a praga OSX/CoinThief.A que se instala como extensão do Safari/Chrome e monitora o tráfego web da sua máquina para roubar seus Bitcoins.

Initial infection occurs when a user installs and runs an app called “StealthBit,” which was recently available for download on GitHub, a website that acts as a repository for open source code. The source code to StealthBit was originally posted on GitHub, along with a precompiled copy of the app for download. The precompiled version of StealthBit did not match a copy generated from the source code, as it contained a malicious payload. Users who downloaded and ran the precompiled version of StealthBit instead ended up with infected systems. A user posting over the weekend on Reddit, the popular discussion site, reported losing 20 Bitcoins (currently worth upwards of $12,000 USD) to the thieves. (traduzir)

via MacRumors

Gustavo Faria

de um tempo em que a UFRJ formava não cientistas da computação, mas bacharéis em informática e acompanhe as Dicas do Coca.
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